Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Settling into Charleston, Part I

It's been such a busy couple of weeks! I had a wonderful goodbye party at work, which was so much fun and much appreciated. :-)

We came here, moved everything down after a very stressful packing situation (working up until the end was probably a mistake, but that's fine and done), and discovered that the landlord was no good, basically, and didn't take the house. He had promised, via email and to Tweedle Dee, that he would fix the dog poop situation. We drove up, and it was pretty much the first thing I saw-- dog messes EVERYWHERE. So gross. Also, the upstairs was SERIOUSLY claustrophobia inducing. And the area was less than ideal.  All in all, not as promised, and the main thing is not dealing with that guy. Seriously, so worth it to not deal with him for a year.

We actually found a new place that I think we're going to really enjoy. It'll be June before we can get in there, though, and that's assuming we get the first available unit. Actually, just found out today we got the unit we wanted! Our new address has been distributed to immediate family; contact us if you need it. Rosie's going to love her new place, and Handsome and I are DEFINITELY going to love it. Lots of room, safe neighborhood, walking spaces, and close to MUSC. <3 Plus, two bedrooms! Perfect for guests, and it gives me an office so Handsome can enjoy everything while I work. :-) Best of both worlds!

I've just ordered my textbooks today, and saw campus for the first time! I'm super in love with it. Seriously-- it's amazing. I'm excited. As soon as I go get my scrubs and lab uniform tomorrow, it's going to feel so much more real. I also need to go through the clothes I have here and hit up the storage unit to find the rest of my professional clothes, since I am going to be living here in Hanahan for a bit longer. There was a unit available sooner, but I really preferred the other one, so we're going to wait for it. Fortunately, Tweedle Dee is the nuclear bomb and is letting me and Rosie crash here as long as needed.

In addition to getting my scrubs, I get to begin my acquaintance with the Student Health Clinic tomorrow-- yay allergy shots! I'm also going to hit up one of the like 3 Goodwills I've seen around and search for a desk. I'm roping Tweedle Dee into helping me to reorganize the bedroom this weekend, since I'll need it to be actually workable for the school year's start soon. I have homework to do before even the first day of classes! Craziness. 

Handsome is still up in DC, so we're just keeping in touch with Skype, gchat, and, of course, the phone. I am so excited to see him next weekend when we go to Tweedle Dum's wedding part II! 


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Less than a Week!

Happy Mother's Day! We spoke to my mom and grandmother, but couldn't reach Handsome's grandmother either time, and his parents are overseas right now, so we figured we could wait to call them.

It's less than a week until we move. We've successfully packed up all but like 3 books that just got missed, and the books that belong to other people. Most of the dishes are packed, although I have another box to go through. The candles will be packed later tonight or when I need a study break over the next couple of days.

We totally had a rough moment last night while packing when we realized we sound and act like we're having a super amicable breakup. I get the dog, he gets the apartment and the chair he loves, etc. I know logically we're going to be fine, but it's super disappointing that even with all the applications, nothing's panned out yet. With the distance, it's going to be hard to travel, especially how expensive everything is. We're just going to keep praying and knowing it'll work out for the best eventually.

Rosie's doing well with the packing situation, all things considered. She might do less well once her futon's gone, though. Fortunately, the Clarksburgers are going to be taking it! We're excited to send it to a good home. :-)

We had a great time with the Clarksburgers last night, especially when M&M came to visit, too. It was fun to chat and visit, although we left early so I could come home to study-- I feel so lame, but 3 finals + moving = busybusybusy week. We also did drinks with Clark Kent and her fiancĂ©e today-- it was lovely to see them and catch up, too, although I fully recommend staying away from Gordon Biersch's Garlic Edamame-- worst edamame ever.

Anyways, that's our bi-weekly update; time to go study some more!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011


On Monday, I had a "think" that Handsome was going to hear from a few companies this week... And he did! Hopefully something good comes of it. :-)

Hometime has consisted of puppy time, packing, and studying. I actually just changed my schedule so that I will be doing only a little time at work on the 13th, then home for the rest of the day-- I've put in overtime this week already, and I have about 3 hours that I'll be staying late on Friday to train my replacement! I should probably take extra time to study on Monday or something, but I'm just going to cram it all in this weekend.

Our new running shoes came in! We have to finish breaking them in around the house for 24 hours before I'm letting us wear them out running for the first time, just in case they don't fit as well as we thought they did. Rosie loves the shoes. Yay Bikilas! I have new classics, too, which remind me of ballet shoes-- they're lilac. <3 I will upload a picture of our feet later, as odd as that sounds. I'm super excited to have running shoes and NOT to go walking around with an ever increasing size and number of holes.

Our house is truly a wreck right now. I'm actually super ashamed of it, and want desperately to clean, but it's time to go study again, and do some more packing before bed when I get tired/brain fried-- one box of kitchen stuff is done now, so I feel more accomplished! Our kitchen is going to be a wasteland by next Friday night, but studying will be done and there will be a 6:30 wake up, so it'll be a good night to order some pizza and say that's a well balanced meal.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Fabulous Weekend

What a fantabulous weekend. I had girl's lunch yesterday, which was SUCH a great way to spend an afternoon! I got to see the world's cutest flower girl, finally, after a long period of just being too busy. Today was also fabulous-- we went to Mama's on the Half Shell in Baltimore with KBDubs, which has the BEST beer mussels and some orange crush drink thing that makes my world a better place. Any day that starts with beer mussels and mimosas can't be bad. It's just a fact.

On the moving front, things are coming together. Aunt A had a great idea of asking my dad to come up by train so my mom could just meet us down in Charleston-- he and Handsome are going to be driving the truck while Rosie and I take my car down. Handsome's going to take the train from Charleston back here to DC, and hopefully he can make the final drive down to Charleston soon. It shortens the amount of time he has to drive significantly, saves wear and tear on his car, and it's honestly about the same price with the way gas prices are as him driving.

Best moving-related part of the weekend: We demolished the entertainment center. It's in lots of little pieces in our trash! So exciting. Great piece, but we only have one TV which doesn't fit in there, and I totally didn't want to move it 600 miles south.

Per Handsome: "Finally found some poor schmuck to take the entertainment center from us: The Garbage Man."
