So, Seth and I are trying to figure out what we want to do about our living situation. We love our apartment in some ways-- it works, it's in a nice enough area, and we have amazing staff here. (Seriously, <3 the staff!) We just found out today though that they're planning on redoing the pricing scheme in June, i.e. when our lease is up for renewal, and that's seriously terrifying. It could be just the normal 5% raise, which is annoying but normal, but it's also possible that they're going to do something else entirely re: the pricing scheme. We found an apartment we thought, but we went in to try to lock it in and were told it would be nearly $100 a month more than we had thought-- so not worth the move to a slightly less good location.
On the other hand, we're not going to be lifers down here; we've pretty much decided we want to move closer to our families, especially before we're in the family way, which hopefully, God willing, won't be for a couple more years. (I definitely need baby blinders-- they're freaking adorable and EVERYWHERE.) My cousin in law just posted a picture of her 2 month old son-- SO CUTE. I'm going to continue to hit "snooze" on that biological clock for a couple more years, though.
So, we're debating moving either to Mount Pleasant or closer to downtown if possible to take advantage of our time down here.
Rosie says she'll just sniff out over here while Mommy and Daddy think things through.... |
Update like 24 hours later: We're going to be downsizing! We're looking at one-bedrooms in Mount Pleasant, which is definitely exciting! We decided that, with only about 6 months left of classes at the end of this semester, it just makes more sense to choose somewhere we have closer access to downtown Charleston and the beaches for little Roo. <3 It's going to be literally the smallest space we've ever lived in, but we're hoping to gain good outdoor space, a closer commute for me, and hopefully (pretty pretty please) a more walkable neighborhood. I totally miss having a grocery store right nearby. If it doesn't work out, oh, well, but I can hope!
Spring break is super soon, and I think my brain needs a break. If nothing else, I'll get to enjoy SUNSHINE! Sun! Warmth! Puppy! BOOKS! Sun!
Puppy and Books and Sleep. <3 |
(I desperately need to get outside, apparently.)
It's also a great time to catch up on some studying for various classes, which is great. I'll even get to lunch with my husband at least once, and do my doctor's appointments. :-) Then, during the May break, we'll get to go home for a week and visit
Stockley Gardens and see my grandmother's awesome artwork! Maybe we'll even get to go to Busch Gardens again!
Life's looking wonderful. We're so incredibly blessed, and grateful for everything we have going on in our lives right now.