Saturday, April 14, 2012

A belated goodbye

One of my favorite people in this world. Emily, passed away from cancer late last year. I didn't keep in touch with her as I probably should have, but she is one of the people that you met and couldn't help but love. She was the true embodiment of a Macon Woman, living life abundantly in her passions, from loving her family to loving life despite cancer. It's hard for me to remember she's really gone-- I think of a couple random things that I associate with things from England or movie nights, and it's just so ridiculous to me that God would take away one of the best, most amazing women I've ever known. Of course, minutes later, I think, of COURSE God wants her, she's amazing and helped shape the people of this world through her goodness, her light, her passions, her lovely soul.

I was talking with Seth right after she died, and my first thought was, "She shouldn't be gone."She was one of the best people I've ever met. Not perfect, of course, but amazing nonetheless. I feel like she just had so much to offer the world, but at the same time, I do believe that God always has a plan, even when it doesn't make any sense at all to me. Emily was an amazing woman, beautiful inside and out. You hear that a lot, and it's turned into a platitude, something to tell yourself when someone you loved is gone, but it's also so true. She was one of the best people I've ever met, and I feel so blessed to have gotten to experience RMWC and England with her. <3

There was something that came up recently in classes that made me think of her, and I just wanted to share it with her. It wasn't anything major, just something I knew she'd appreciate, and it really sucked to realize that one of the people I thought I'd be seeing at Macon reunions for the next 60 years wasn't there to share with. I hope she knows she's in my thoughts and my prayers, and especially my memories, both in my mind and in photos. She is one of the people I think of first when it comes to my Alma Mater, as a true embodiment of "Vita Abundantior," and just remembering her acceptance of everyone and everything as they came make me strive to live my life to the fullest, taking advantage of all my blessings, and being grateful for the amazing women in my life.

I'm blessed, and I know it. If nothing else, I am blessed to have met Emily and be able to have the memories, photos, and stories I shared with her over the years. My prayers remain with Emily's family and friends, and with Emily herself, keeping an eye on everything and hopefully bringing her joy and enthusiasm to heaven even as I write this.

<3 Cassi

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