It's been a fantabulous break so far!
1. I made all 4.0's this semester! Which is the first time I've managed it in grad school. I definitely did a happy dance.
2. I finished my scarf! It's super pretty, and my friend C's promised to help me learn the crochet stitch to fix the oddities so I can wear both sides out if I want.
3. I learned the purl stitch! Way easier than I had feared.
4. We've been getting up ridiculously early to run! Rosie's learning to run on leash without being a jerk, fortunately. :-) She's super duper cute and fuzzy first thing in the morning, which is both good and bad. She is *not* the motivation to wake up.
5. The motivation to wake up is that Seth and I are doing two 5K's in October-- the Color Me Rad in Columbia and then the rUnDead run here in Charleston the following weekend! The latter is more like an obstacle course. I'm kinda excited.
5a. I am thinking seriously about doing a half marathon-- I really want to do the Princess Half Marathon at Disney in February, but with fieldwork, there's a good chance that won't happen, so we're looking into the feasibility of doing the half marathon here in Charleston-- it ends with Shrimp and Grits and supports the arts, and is a lot cheaper/closer to home/music friendly.
Aaaand that's about it! Not bad for a week of break.
There's also a sad note, in that one of my professors passed away unexpectedly. I unfortunately won't make it to his memorial service tomorrow, but I've been keeping his friends and family in my prayers. He was a good person, and I am sorry I never got to thank him in person for his help with fieldwork placements. Hopefully he knows. :-)
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