Rosie does not approve of packing. |
This weekend promises to be really, really good though. After making probably my best pizza ever, with the perfect balance of crust, sauce, and cheese-free toppings, I finished my homework last night, and this morning, Rosie and I had a nice-enough walk (despite her deciding that the best way to wake me up is to step on me), and today is a girl's lunch with my cousin, aunt, and former neighbors, including my flower girl! I am so excited-- I adore them all, and haven't had time for a proper visit in far too long.
Even better, tomorrow we're going up to Baltimore with KBDubs to get an amazing sounding brunch, including beer mussels. I am all about seafood. And since God's apparently decided it's not on the ever-growing list of food that must make fat (or really, sick), it's definitely a lovelovelove kind of thing. Good friends + amazing food = fabulous times.
Next week is going to be super fast, too. I have lots to do for work, plus studying for my three finals and one last homework assignment for undergrad! It's crazy to think about. Next weekend is going to be a horribly confoozled combination of packing, studying, and a happy note of dinner with Clark Kent and her fiancé. We're excited to finally see Clark Kent, and I'm excited to talk about Ireland and weddings, and share what I think is seriously the best book ever to read when you're getting married (or even thinking about getting married in the far off future).
Drunky's been doing the application thing pretty much non-stop. He also just got a raise (finally!) so that'll be nice for negotiating for a new position down South. We're just praying and hoping and doing our best to prepare ourselves for phase II of TeamDrunkWoozel's life. Rosie is totally not going to be okay with having her "parents" separated, but Drunky and I will survive it and be stronger in the end. Thank God for phones and the internet. We'll have to get Skype finally, and possibly follow California's example of splitting up Board games so we can keep in touch and play games together while apart. Or find a Scrabble game online we both like so we can play together. :-)
On a happier note, today's also the day I get a haircut after nearly 5 months-- the last 3 of which I've been trying to convince myself to make the time to get said haircut. My replacement at work got a pixie cut, and I totally envy it, except that I definitely want to keep it longer so I can tame it and not have to grow it out in all the humidity down south! I've done the pixie cut thing, and I love it, but longer hair is definitely my goal right now.
As a random aside, I'm totally obsessed with Karmin right now. Their cover of Look At Me Now (by Chris Brown, who I have issues liking because of his personal life) is amazing; I'd heard of them before, but the song I'd heard wasn't nearly as fun.