Monday, April 25, 2011

A New Family-Member-To-Be

It really is a year for weddings and engagements! Handsome's "little" brother finally proposed to Clark Kent and to everyone's pleasure she accepted, so Handsome and I have a new sister-in-law coming into the fold. So, congrats to the two of them! Good luck with the wedding planning, and remember-- it's just one day, when it comes down to it.

In addition to the other S&C's engagement, it's just over a month until M&K have wedding part II on the way. We actually sent out our acceptance on time, as opposed to thinking we sent it out and discovering it tucked away in an obscure place like the past few weddings we've attended!

On the moving front, more applications are out for Handsome, and we can actually walk all the way into our closet for the first time in several months, thanks to the miracle of putting boxes in storage. Since next week is my one between-exams week, we're probably going to be doing a LOT more packing. Poor Rosie is not okay with all these changes and the packing we keep insisting on doing. While loading the car yesterday, we could hear her barking/whining from 4 stories below... Not a happy RooRoo by any stretch of the imagination. On the plus side, though, we're getting closer to moving, and still praying about Handsome's job hunt and hoping for the best.


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