Monday, April 18, 2011

Last Month in DC

I've decided to start this Blog (and rope Handsome into contributing if I can) as we get ready to move down to Charleston, SC. I'm super excited to move, because it means starting graduate school and beginning what we consider the next phase of our life together. It's easy to look ahead and be super focused on what's coming up next, though, to the point that we miss out on some of the stuff we love and will actually miss here.

Things we'll miss, in order of whatever pops into my head:
  • Pho 95: Best freaking noodle-beef soup in this world.
  • Dogfish Head Alehouse: Beer, calamari rings, and the memory of awesome pizza.
  • Our apartment: We met the KayBeeDubs (who are awesome!) and their adorable Brody, who actually was an impetus for getting our Doodle instead of a normal dog. Our next door neighbor right now is awesome, too.
  • Our friends from Grace: We joined a Bible Study group, which let us meet some awesome people who have made life up here so much better. They helped us grow and stay grounded at the same time, just by being who they are.
  • Our family: Cousins, aunts, and uncles will be missed, but they also are all invited to come down to Charleston. :-)
  • Sightseeing in DC: We don't do it much anymore with the RooRoo, but it was a wonderful experience, getting to see the tree, visit the botanical gardens, and just wander museums and monuments. I have some awesome memories.
  • WTOP 103.5: It's probably the only radio station I could miss, ever. Traffic every 10 minutes is a Godsend up here.
  • Great Falls: So pretty, good walks, great memories with friends and family alike.
  • Metro: Mainly because driving in DC makes me hate life. And everyone and everything in DC. But being able to go to the Brickskellar, drink up, and not have to have a designated driver is kinda awesome.
  • Some aspects of our jobs: We learned a lot, met good people, and are at the point now that we're ready to move on.
  • The Friends of the Library Bookstore: keeping our house overflowing with books. Losing that store is probably going to spur me into finally getting a Kindle.
  • Being so close to Norfolk: Getting to see our family, including Busch Gardens visits, and spending Thanksgiving and Christmas at home pretty easily.
  • Having our vet (from VT!) right down the street-- a 5 minute walk away can't be beat.

Things we won't miss, at all, ever:
  • The traffic. Seriously.
  • The drama. Egos and delusions combine to make some things in life so not worth dealing with. And they're a whole new kind of special in DC.
  • Climbing 4 flights of stairs every day. I know it's good exercise, but so is yoga and walking the dog a few miles every day.
  • The power grid here. Power outs should happen in hurricanes, not on a whim.
  • Cost of living: our new place is (potentially) a townhouse with 2 bedrooms, like 5 minutes from the beach, for just over half of what we pay here for a one bedroom.
  • The not-good aspects of our jobs.
  • Montgomery County Drivers. They don't even count as the traffic, because they are their own brand of straight up crazy, with a shot of being jerks and just plain mean.

So, that's a quick list as Handsome and I start getting ready for part II of married life!



  1. Craig and I will surely miss you two! But my brother just moved from Myrtle Beach to Charleston a couple months ago so we will be sure to give you a ring when we visit him! Charleston is such an amazing place. My parents grew up there and my grandparents still live there. I'm positive you two will love it! I wish you the best of luck in your move!

  2. Crazy! Seth said your classes start this summer? I can't believe you are so close to this next great adventure. Congrats!
    (by the way this is Lori - I guess Dan was logged in on my computer)

  3. Thanks Lori! I thought you were another person until I got to the bottom, and was like, that doesn't sound like the Dan I know....

    Classes end and I quit my job by May 13th, then we (both hopefully) move on the 14th. Orientation is May 25th, so that gives me a little time to settle in and unpack before the insanity begins anew!
